My goals and intentions in this artwork were to make it have my look. I accomplished my goals because my artwork turned out to have my look. My painting is about texture of surface and dramatic shadows. The most difficult challenge I had to face was making the proportions of my face correct. I met the challenge by trying a couple times and finally getting it right. My painting really works where the light meets the dark shadow. Some things have I learned that I can bring into my next painting are more light and shadows and more proportionate drawings. The mentor I can name that helped me is a lady, Mrs. Juliet, that did a couple of photo shoots with me "Photo Jane Studios." In her studio, she had a beautiful photo of a girl and half of her face showing because of the dramatic lightening. Another artist in the class that helped me is Carmen D'Anna. Her drawings are beautiful and she gets her shadows right. I can learn to make more dramatic shadows like her. If I had a do over I would make my eyes a little bit smaller and away from the nose. I feel like I did an overall good job on my first major self portrait and I hope to continue to progress.